MapMyWalk ;o)

MapMyWalk ;o)
MapMyWalk ;o) (from Isengard to Minas Tirith)

Monday, June 27, 2016

June 21st to 26th

June 21st:
5682 steps
2.2 miles

June 22nd:
4054 steps
1.6 miles

June 23rd:
6935 steps
2.7 miles

June 24th:
9656 steps
3.8 miles

June 25th:
1573 steps
0.6 mile

June 26th:
1348 steps
0.5 mile

TOTAL= 464.8 / 458 miles

We made it to Rivendell!  ~streamers and balloons~

I guess I'll continue on to Lothlorien, next, with the modest goal of getting there by the end of the year.  It's roughly the same distance from Rivendell to Lothlorien as it is from Hobbiton to Rivendell.
So... Let's start the counter over again!  I'll take my "leftover" miles (surplus above 458) and apply them to the new journey.

From Rivendell to Lothlorien:

TOTAL= 6.8 / 462 miles

We've climbed out of the valley onto the moors.  Now that we're the Fellowship of the Ring, there are new people to talk to and new stories to swap.  ;o)