MapMyWalk ;o)

MapMyWalk ;o)
MapMyWalk ;o) (from Isengard to Minas Tirith)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 22nd to 27th

May 22nd:
10764 steps
4.0 miles

May 23rd:
5021 steps
1.9 miles

May 24th:
2353 steps
0.9 mile

May 25th:
4658 steps
1.7 miles

May 26th:
2249 steps
0.8 mile

May 27th:
1928 steps
0.7 mile

Subtotal= 10 miles

GRAND TOTAL= 324.1 / 470 miles to Isengard

Crossed a small stream...

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 16th to 21st

Oof.  This has been a particularly inactive several days... Last week, our routines were disrupted, plus it was hot and humid-- but those are really just excuses.

May 16th:
3380 steps
1.6 miles

May 17th:
5143 steps
1.9 miles

May 18th:
2246 steps
0.8 mile

May 19th:
3715 steps
1.4 miles

May 20th:
2185 steps
0.8 mile

May 21st:
1917 steps
0.7 mile

Subtotal= 7.2 miles

GRAND TOTAL= 314.1 / 470 miles to Isengard

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 10th to 15th

May 10th:
5811 steps
2.2 miles

May 11th:
9013 steps
3.4 miles

May 12th:
5852 steps
2.2 miles

May 13th:
2788 steps
1.1 miles

May 14th:
3467 steps
1.3 miles

May 15th:
4154 steps
1.6 miles

Subtotal=  11.8 miles

GRAND TOTAL=  306.9 / 470 miles to Isengard

Recrossed the Snowbourne.  Following a beaten way across the foothills.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 4th to 9th

May 4th:
3479 steps
1.3 miles

May 5th:
10162 steps
3.8 miles

May 6th:
5230 steps
1.9 miles

May 7th:
2057 steps
0.7 mile

May 8th:
4627 steps
1.7 miles

May 9th:
3966 steps
1.5 miles

Subtotal= 10.9 miles

GRAND TOTAL=  295.1 / 470 miles to Isengard

Forded the Snowbourne.  Climbed to Edoras, then Meduseld.  Gandalf healed Théoden.  Éomer freed, Grima exiled, and now the Riders are prepared to ride.  

Thursday, May 4, 2017

April 29th to May 3rd

April 29th:
9254 steps
3.5 miles

May 1st:
2463 steps
0.9 mile

May 2nd:
4873 steps
1.8 miles

May 3rd:
5152 steps
1.9 miles

May 4th:
4920 steps
1.9 miles

Subtotal= 10 miles

GRAND TOTAL= 284.2 / 470 miles to Isengard

The moon has set into the clouds in the west...