MapMyWalk ;o)

MapMyWalk ;o)
MapMyWalk ;o) (from Isengard to Minas Tirith)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 23rd to 28th

I'm trying to get as much yard work done as possible before summer heat and humidity set in.  Combine that with the usual lazy or "off" days and these are the step-counts you get...

March 23rd:
4641 steps
1.7 miles

March 24th:
4756 steps
1.8 miles

March 25th:
4212 steps
1.6 miles

March 26th:
2500 steps
0.9 mile

March 27th:
4531 steps
1.7 miles

March 28th:
3798 steps
1.4 miles

Subtotal= 9.1 miles

GRAND TOTAL= 218.4 / 470 miles to Isengard