I skipped the treadmill and walked to/around the pond, instead. My legs always seem to get sore when I take that walk by myself, though when I'm with someone else, it's not as likely to bother me. I'm probably starting out too fast (for my current level of walking stamina/strength).
Before taking my walk, I changed the stride setting on the pedometer, and though I only adjusted my stride down by a couple of inches, I think it was too far in the other direction, because I'm pretty sure it under-reported the length of my walk. I know for a certainty that I walk differently (pace, stride) when I walk outdoors compared to on the treadmill, but I'm not willing to fuss with switching it back and forth based on where I'm walking on a given day... Anyway, I ended up switching it back to the original setting. If it's slightly overestimating my mileage on treadmill days, so be it!
January 3rd:
3669 steps
1.4 miles
TOTAL= 8.7 / 458 miles