I'm seeing some discrepancies between my pedometer's calculated mileage and that on the treadmill. The first day, the difference was minor, but on the second day it was more noticeable. I'll try to tweak the stride length setting on the pedometer, but it's probably impossible to get it perfectly accurate all the time, as my stride changes according to where/how/when I walk.
In any case, it doesn't matter, as this is all done in fun, anyway. If the challenge gets me walking more, it's done its job, even if I'm not walking exactly as many miles as I think I am.
- - - - - - -
January 1st:
8911 steps
3.5 miles
January 2nd:
9618 steps
3.8 miles
TOTAL: 7.3 / 458 miles
According to the Éowyn Challenge site, I've entered Tookland and am just about to take one last look back at the lights of Hobbiton...