July 20th:
11215 steps
4.2 miles
July 21st:
5699 steps
2.1 miles
July 22nd:
9178 steps
3.4 miles
July 23rd:
8093 steps
3.0 miles
July 24th:
14764 steps
5.6 miles
July 25th:
11232 steps
4.2 miles
July 26th:
16050 steps
6.0 miles
Subtotal= 28.5 miles
GRAND TOTAL= 461.2 / 470 miles to Isengard
We reached the Fords (where we found the Isen nearly dry)and went north on the highway to Isengard. Entered the south end of the Wizard's Vale. Passed through a long tangle of weeds and thorns, where all the trees had been cut to stumps...