MapMyWalk ;o)

MapMyWalk ;o)
MapMyWalk ;o) (from Isengard to Minas Tirith)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 10th to 15th

May 10th:
5811 steps
2.2 miles

May 11th:
9013 steps
3.4 miles

May 12th:
5852 steps
2.2 miles

May 13th:
2788 steps
1.1 miles

May 14th:
3467 steps
1.3 miles

May 15th:
4154 steps
1.6 miles

Subtotal=  11.8 miles

GRAND TOTAL=  306.9 / 470 miles to Isengard

Recrossed the Snowbourne.  Following a beaten way across the foothills.