11583 steps
4.3 miles
March 2nd:
6033 steps
2.2 miles
March 3rd:
8754 steps
3.3 miles
8754 steps
3.3 miles
March 4th:
2993 steps
1.1 miles
2993 steps
1.1 miles
March 5th:
6338 steps
2.4 miles
6338 steps
2.4 miles
March 6th:
9098 steps
3.4 miles
9098 steps
3.4 miles
Subtotal: 16.7 miles
GRAND TOTAL: 177.3 / 470 miles to Isengard
Wow, a lot has happened since last time!
We reached Fangorn and found the pyre of orcs... Saw Saruman (who scared away the wimpy horses). Found signs that the hobbits survived and were nearby. Followed hobbit prints to Fangorn Forest. Trail led to Treebeard's Hill, where we met Gandalf! (!!!) Gandalf whistled for Shadowfax, who brought back the wimpy horses. Now going along the bank of the Entwash (which sounds kind of gross, to be honest). But you guys! Gandalf's back!