I've been doing more gardening than walking lately. Good for the garden, bad for my step-counts! Still, less than a hundred miles to get to my destination! I should be able to get there before the end of the year, at least.
November 9th:
9847 steps
3.9 miles
November 10th:
4681 steps
1.8 miles
November 11th:
2481 steps
0.9 mile
November 12th:
4494 steps
1.7 miles
November 13th:
3235 steps
1.2 miles
November 14th:
5000 steps
2 miles
November 15th:
5029 steps
2 miles
TOTAL= 366.5 / 462 miles
Camped in the Guardroom, now on a climbing, curving road with no side passages.