MapMyWalk ;o)

MapMyWalk ;o)
MapMyWalk ;o) (from Isengard to Minas Tirith)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

October 15th to 21st

October 15th:
3090  steps
1.2 miles

October 16th:
2261 steps
0.9 mile

October 17th:
2978 steps
1.2 miles

October 18th:
2721 steps
1.1 miles

October 19th:
7466 steps
2.9 miles

October 20th:
3459 steps
1.4 miles

October 21st:
5600 steps
2.2 miles

TOTAL= 307.5 / 462 miles

Less than a third of the way to go!  Lothlorien, here we come!