Oops! I forgot once again to put on the pedometer, so I don't know how much I walked on the 15th of May. I seem to recall thinking that it wasn't a huge loss of steps, as I had been fairly sedentary that day, so I'll make an extremely conservative estimate and give myself credit for half a mile. I must have walked at least that much in a whole day, right?
May 14th:
2712 steps
1.1 miles
May 15th:
??? steps
about 0.5 mile
May 16th:
9877 steps
3.9 miles
May 17th:
3924 steps
1.6 miles
May 18th:
8082 steps
3.2 miles
TOTAL= 380.3 / 458 miles
The hills are getting higher and steeper. We've been forced north, out of our way, and have camped on a stony shelf by a shallow cave (in the rain).
(According to the info on the Eowyn's Walk site, it's mid-October, by the time the hobbits get to this point in their journey. I am so jealous. Here in Modern-Earth, it's May and already getting too hot and humid for my liking. Thus the treadmill.)